October 15, 2010

Reasons for Learning A Second Language

To a common extent, languages are used as wheel-drives for measuring intelligence, effort, and qualities of characters, yet less people have no knowledge of two languages for both general communication and professional interactions. Back to ten years ago, I made up my mind under no guidance to learn English in my small, shabby village, Kandal province. Though I was not well taught, I have set clear goals for opting English as a second language; I wished to be a university professor of a foreign language like one of my distant uncle on my mother side. This dream has always been the horizon that I've ever wanted to chase after everyday of my life. Society and experiences told me that English is a language of interest, intellect, power and global preference. A junior high teacher of English taught me that if I were to pursue my high dream of great intellect and wisdom, I would have to study English language in order to climb those long stairs of my imaginary intellectual journey. By now, I am fully aware and testify such truth. Numbers of international colleges and universities, spread across the globe, use English as a medium language. Billions of books, articles, journals, periodicals, and other written achieves have been written and published in English and distributed around the ball (Globe). 

What is more, English has played the spearhead mediator in the sphere of cyber, on-line, and various form of electronic products and literature. For example, since 1960 the exploitation of internet communication has advanced levels of communications across the oceans and borders, and has integrated English in billions of written and audio-visual resources. In the same veins, as I’ve always dreamed to obtain Ph.D. in language philosophy, English has become the right option for me to grip. Besides, I also agree that English becomes a language power when learners are capable of synthesizing and creatively expressing themselves. Generally speaking, language productions are the measurement of intelligence and reliability.

October 9, 2010

Why Needs Analysis?

Experiences tell us that different approaches work best within various, distinctive contexts and conditions, determined and driven by meaningful plans. So to say, it would sound too obvious and negatively light as process activated recklessly without featuring users' significance in that sphere. With all the respects, both learners and teachers could not experience the taste and beauty of the climax as much resources and effort have been invested.

Most modern classrooms are preferred to be a theater or a forum that everyone can experience equal chances of letting go their opinions. Drill a little deeper; don't you think that would be a kind of high risk of wasting time as too much of such activities are overspent? Maybe you and I as teachers need to direct our imagination a little bit. May be there are other ways round that lead us to deliver messages of any contents efficiently. Let's consider of analyzing needs as we try our feet into students' shoes.

To be clear of my stand, I am not by any means against friendly/open style of teaching. I am just vigilant of the quality of learning that our students would absorb. Now, in the most common ways of thinking--as many teachers do--students bring different different sizes and capacity of input into classrooms. To such aspects, we teachers may need to be alert of our teaching strategies.

Clearly, we fully understand that students come to school with different assets and needs. Let's get down into students' assets. Genders, races, cultures, family, ethnicity, and background understanding must be brought up into discussion among teachers. Without further analysis over psychoanalysis, these factors are quite enough to underpin students' interest, needs and vision in learning.

Now, here is the most an interesting part of discussion we should deal with; it's called "STUDENTS' NEEDS." Truism in learning is that students are not meant to determine what they need to learn, especially in GEP compound. It is quite a wise ideal to let students clarify what they WANT to be or to do. However, to go further, it's left up to us as teachers, curriculum designers or education experts. WANTs are tools to enforce goal, not much into solidifying processes. To end this post, I can't leave without advising that teachers, especially, need to be curious about procedures of teaching they are designing. Employing ESP approaches into dissecting activities is highly recommended. Never forget to explain every objective of each learning lesson.

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