Human, the combination of FOUR
The definition for human and its complexity have been discussed over centuries by many big head philosophers such John Locke, Thomas Aquinas, Rene Descates, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, and even Buddha. The results found from their search suggest that human is quite above the physical avatar, and not limited to this physical component alone. Many people of recent decades had this firm belief that humans are like computers, in terms of many characteristics. Now, I would like you redirect your mind to an opposite thought that humans are not to compare to a computer. Unlike computer hard wares, our physical body has very close connection to our feelings, which many times arouse our mind to cooperate in actions. For example, every time we are bitten by a mosquito, our brain could immediately detect the pain which is like a sharp needle sticking into our skin through sense of touch. And shortly before we know it, we already smashed that little mosquito dead. Another matter is the error that many people in the past use computer model to compare our mind, thought, and brain with a computer soft wares. I truly find this model even more awkward and illogical. How can that be possible? Imagine the process our brain, mind and thoughts. They are completely random, yet creative. The mind is not limited by any programs. Many times people get confused as they believe habits, attitudes, and norms of our certain behaviors as programs. Actually, they are no programs at all, but are the results of human minds. And as our behaviors operated, our mind forms thoughts and get new elements of information from the environment, and ultimately forms another new thought based on the old ones, which is more sensible, more logical, and more acceptable by the society. What is more, our complete human is holistically built by four components including physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual parameters. Computers by nature never come in contact with emotional and spiritual matters. No human could survive without any one of the four parameters. To my understanding, emotion is like the heat releasing from a burning flame. It is intangible, yet powerful that it could affect everyone around. I believe that we can use our emotions as the secondary asset to flame our motivation, and to keep it burning in order to achieve our learning goals which I am going to discuss in the following points. What is spirit? Many people wish to avoid defining the term because they believe that spirits do not exist or they are too mysterious to be comprehend. However, I could assure you we all can understand this matter of spirit as we get involve. See spirit as something like the energy that keep the fire going. it is not the heat. It is not the source of energy (such as wood or charcoal). Spirit is something that keeps pushing you even though your feet and body do not even want to take another step. Spirit manifests and voices in the thoughts when a severely ill person keep whispering to himself saying "my body, why are hurt? Why are you so weak? Why are you so lazy? Get up and walk like a healthy person." The spirit is even more aware, more rational, more logical, and more transient that it never surrender to anything, not even death. Wanting to live forever is not feeling, but a piece of spirit of a trance as your spirit strive to disobey the natural laws.
Learning by Four
In the past, if one learns by actions such as repairing, rowing, sewing, cooking, and sporting, it is believed to have high effects because students are active, involving, and engaging their FOUR in producing outcome. FOUR means physical, mental, emotional, and spirit. The only way to learn effectively is by acquiring. Unlike learning, acquiring is to get knowledge naturally or subconsciously; not by force; not too intensive. Here is what I am going to suggest you to learn. When you are in class, never sit quietly. Take note while you are listening. Giving filler response in support to the what you teacher raised, by knocking your head; mumbling few words to yourself; circling some points on your textbooks; asking meaningful questions to get more explanation. When you do so, you body is working in associating with your brain. Thus, your physical and mental parameters are working together, and as a result you become even more active, more involving, more attentive, and more energetic comparing to your neighbors who are quietly watching, listening, and yawning. Not enough yet, learn to act your emotions to keep your physical body and mental components to double their speed and capacity. Yes, it is possible. The best quote I truly learned from myself is that I am the most difficult person I ever worked with. It's hard to push ME to the next level. Attitudes are not emotions; they are the results of idleness and passivity of your physicality and mentality. The secrete to push yourself to work hard is by complying your emotions. It's not bad to blame yourself verbally when you are lazy, sitting down all day watching movies from HBO.Get angry with yourself for not doing homework, reading book, and sharing comments in the class. Never sorry for yourself; never tolerate yourself for being arrogant, lazy, unthoughtful, or oversleep. When I was in college, I used to experience crazy things such a staring at the blank wall and doing nothing, and thus saying nothing, and thus doing nothing in classes. And later on I was aware of my passivity and worked bout by being conscious about myself and situations. I become more prepared and more more aware. My emotions turned out to be like an executive manager of my physical and mental employees. They control, push, motivate, supervise, and even punish every time my physical and mental employees don't work to follow expectations. However, most of times our emotions do not come naturally or intentionally. In this case, I suggest you to comply your powerful spirit to navigate your feelings and emotions. How? believing that you can achieve your goals and reach your destination more efficiently. The spirit makes you believe; the beliefs map up your emotions to be on track; your emotions and feelings ultimately manage your physical and mental matters to work. Thus, keep believing that you can learning anything you want to. No matter it is mathematics, languages, laws, business and writing blogs, you shall see results in your enthusiasm more appreciative and satisfactory as you apply the FOUR in your learning and working areas.
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